
Friday, December 19, 2008

No longer tired 

As I walked in the door tired from a long day at work,

my daughter Emlyn heard the garage door raise. It is a quiet garage door, you have to be listening to hear it, especially on a hot day when the air conditioner is running, and it was an especially hot day. Which means she was listening for me to come home. As the door rises and I begin to pull the nose of my car over the void where the door used to be I see her. She is a blur with speed. Wherever she was she has now traveled from there, opened two doors it takes to enter the garage from the house, and gathered a full breath of air. She uses this air to yell, "daddy is home, daddy is home, daddy, daddy, daddy". I pull my car the rest of the way up, stop, and turn the car off. As I begin to open the door to the car she sees it is safe and runs towards the car. By the time I am standing she has wrapped herself in a hug around my leg. I reach down and pick her up and she wraps her arms and legs around my chest and hugs me even tighter. I carry her into the house, where my son, Denali, quickly notices I'm home and runs over and wordlessly hugs my leg and begins to laugh. I free up an arm and pick him up with my daughter. My wife, Sarah, also notices my arrival and comes to greet me. Seeing my arms are full she leans over and gives me a peck on the cheek and says, "nice to see you dear."

I am no longer tired.

Beautiful. Perfect. You're a lucky man.... And this is the counter-point to the post above about how hard it is to have kids!
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