
Friday, July 25, 2008

White Water Rafting 

White Water Rafting, originally uploaded by spiffy_guy.

Nearing the end of our whirlwind Colorado roadtrip, which culminates tomorrow in the wedding of a friend from college. Here is a great photo taken in the royal gorge on the Arkansas river. I highly recommend rafting this gorge for those who get a chance. I got knocked around quite a bit and very wet constantly. I only feared for my life a couple of times. You can tell from the smile on my face that is my sort of activity. Combined with some rock climbing at Wichita mountains and Garden of the Gods, and some camping in the mountain woods outside of Breckenridge it's been a fun trip.

Oh, in case this doesn't import into facebook from my blog properly the link to the picture is here http://www.flickr.com/photos/schoppfamily/2701435439/

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