
Monday, January 26, 2004

A fifth joins the race 

Earlier I mentioned the 4 guys running for the 10th congressional seat. Well now there is a fifth. B(r)ad Tashenberg. The url is http://tashenbergforcongress.com His sole platform seems to be a 25% tax cut. Since he doesn't have any other platforms you would expect him to push the experience hard, but he can't because he doesn't have any.

I too have no experience and can come up with a single issue platform. I thought that would only get you to govenor (or city council if you aren't rich) but apparently this guy thinks otherwise.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

If I had a million dollars 

I've been compiling a list of stuff at Amazon to blow my money on when I have money to blow on buying stuff for myself. So here is a link to my wish list:

Wow google blows my mind 

Google blows my mind. I searched for "Joel Schopp" (the quotes help it not get Joel Smith, Bob Schopp) and found stuff I totally forgot about. Apparently the web doesn't forget.

I'm on the web at ACU 

Hey look. Awhile back the ACU alumni group sent out an email asking for alumni to answer questions. My answers are apparently now on the web.

district 10 congressional seat 

I've been following the Republican primary because my new district has been made such that the general election is a joke. So anyway I go to all the guys sites and email them all and I really can't tell them apart. Maybe I should vote for the one who sends me the most mail. If you can figure out any differences please let me know.
Joh Devine
Michael McCaul
Dave Phillips
Ben Streusand

this is music I like 

You can listen to music I like on launchast:

Saturday, January 03, 2004


Good article on Wal-Mart.

Friday, January 02, 2004


Just a note that the Spurs have now won 13 straight.


My real website has gone beta. That means it is mostly functional and has few enough bugs to be useable. Try it out and let me know things you'd like changed and things that didn't work right.


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